Autoplay videos with sound on your website hack 2024

Enable Autoplay with Sound for Videos on Your Website: 2024 Hacks Autoplaying videos with sound on websites can be a double-edged sword. While it can immediately engage visitors, it can also be intrusive if not implemented thoughtfully. However, when used judiciously, it can enhance the user experience and highlight important content. My YouTube tutorial, “Allow […]

Custom Business Listing using ACF Frontend Per User on WordPress Tutorial

Personalized Business Listing on WordPress: ACF Frontend Customization Tutorial Creating a personalized business listing on a WordPress site can be a game-changer for users who want to manage their own listings. My YouTube video tutorial, “ACF Frontend Custom Business Listing Per User on WordPress Tutorial,” provides a step-by-step guide to achieving just that. This tutorial […]

Create a Custom Chat for WordPress using ACF Pro and Elementor

Crafting a Tailored Chat Experience: Building a Custom Chat for WordPress with ACF Pro and Elementor In a digital landscape where instant communication is key, providing a personalized chat experience can significantly enhance user engagement on your WordPress website. My video tutorial titled “Create a Custom Chat for WordPress using ACF Pro and Elementor” is […]

Pricing Table using ACF Pro HTML & CSS on WordPress Tutorial

Build a Custom Pricing Table in WordPress: ACF Pro with HTML & CSS Tutorial Creating a visually appealing and informative pricing table is vital for any business website. It’s not just about listing prices; it’s about presenting your offerings in a clear, attractive, and persuasive manner. My latest YouTube video tutorial, “Pricing Table using ACF […]

Make a Custom Floating Social Sidebar with CSS & HTML Tutorial

Crafting a Custom Floating Social Sidebar: A CSS & HTML Tutorial In the digital age, social media is the heartbeat of engagement, and integrating social platforms effectively into your website design is crucial. My latest video tutorial, “Make a Custom Floating Social Sidebar with CSS & HTML Tutorial,” is tailored to developers, designers, and DIY […]

Flexible Content Layout on WordPress using ACF Pro Tutorial

Enhancing WordPress Layouts with ACF Pro: Your Guide to Flexible Content Welcome to the world of customized content layouts in WordPress! My latest video tutorial, titled “Flexible Content Layout on WordPress using ACF Pro Tutorial,” is designed to help you harness the power of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro to create dynamic and versatile content […]

Accordion Repeater Field on WordPress using ACF Pro Tutorial

Mastering the Accordion Repeater Field in WordPress with ACF Pro: A Step-by-Step Guide WordPress is a powerful platform, made even more versatile with plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro. In my latest video tutorial, I’m excited to delve into a feature that can transform your website’s content management: the Accordion Repeater Field. Here’s […]

Bypass Website Paid Content using CSS – Paywalls

The Ethical Way to Understand Paywalls: A CSS Tutorial As a tech enthusiast and a fervent advocate for free information, I’ve come across countless discussions about bypassing website paywalls. It’s a hot topic with numerous ethical considerations, and I want to address it head-on in my latest video tutorial titled “Bypass Website Paid Content using […]

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